Friday, 23 December 2016

Happy Birthday Debbie!

Hey folks! It's been a minute, yeah...but we have been hard at work putting stuff together for a very amazing 2017...yes, we're getting prepped for the new year, and what better way to start than by wishing our boss lady right here a very happy birthday!

So here goes, a very merry, special, happy "fearless" birthday to the boss lady herself, CEO of FabPlus Events and The Gold Badge from all of us, we love you and appreciate your labour of love, may you never lack any good thing in Jesus Name, Amen!

Friday, 6 November 2015

‪#‎TheGoldBadge‬ ‪#‎FearlessFriday‬
Today, I decided to google FEAR. 
yea! you read correctly the first time and
I have come to the conclusion that indeed #‎FearIsStupid‬!
so they say that, fear occurs as the result of threats
that are perceived to be uncontrollable and
that response to fear serves survival... Blah blah.

Who knows a man better than His maker?
Over 365 times the bibles says FEAR NOT! 
The maker and mender of men says;
"For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold 
of your right hand and says to you, DO NOT FEAR; 
I will help you". [Isa 41:13]

WHY FEAR??? ‪#‎BeFearless‬!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Perhaps we lost our ways when we left value behind...
why else would Confucius say, that; “The superior man understands what is right;
the inferior man understands what will sell.” *scratch head*
At ‪#‎TGB‬ we agree with Patrick Henry in saying that; “The eternal difference between
right and wrong does not fluctuate, it is immutable.” 
YOU CHOOSE TO STRAY OR TO STAY. ‪#‎WhatIsThePlaceOfValues‬‪ #‎TGBValues‬

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

‪#‎TGB‬ ‪#‎CharacterTuesday‬
You are what you have inside of you.
There is no hiding the true 'You' under any false notions.
work on the real you and let it shine.

Friday, 18 September 2015

    The popular gospel song says God's love never fails, never gives up and never runs dry. How does our character, values, and attitude reflect that never-ending love? #TheGoldBadge ‪#‎JesusCulture‬ ‪#‎GodsLove‬ #‎SpeakLove‬ ‪#‎CultureSaturday‬

Friday, 11 September 2015

‪#‎FearlessFriday‬ ‪#‎TheGoldBadge‬
Let me tell you something you already know;
The world aint no sunshine and rainbow. *laughs*.
It’s a very mean and nasty place. 
And I don’t know how tough you are,
it will beat you to your kneels and keep you there permanently IF YOU LET IT! -selah
‪#‎BeFearless‬ ‪#‎FearIsStupid‬ ‪#‎Nomorefear‬